December 2013
Hello hmcahyo,
Carna Zacharias-Miller here. As a member of the team, it is my turn to introduce my line of work to you. Using EFT, I specialize in helping people who grew up in a dysfunctional family, especially when there was a "missing mother" (physically or emotionally). I also started implementing EFT to achieve peak performance in dancing.
There is an aspect of EFT that has become more and more important to me over the years as an EFT practitioner. It's this:
When Gary Craig put down his ground rules for doing EFT in the early nineties, he did not want this method to become part of the New Age "woo-woo". At that time, energy work was not established in the mainstream the way it is nowadays. So, in order to reach everybody, he cut out the spiritual dimension, although he clearly had it it mind when he wrote in one of his (rare) blog postings:
"The main purpose of EFT is to pave the way towards Love's Presence (i.e. Grace). Our physical and emotional wounds tend to distract us us from this spiritual birthright and, as EFT helps send them away, we find ourselves more in alignment with Source."
How do we as practitioners or dedicated private tappers bring out the spiritual dimension of EFT?
I found five main ways (feel free to add):
1. The general way we relate to ourselves and our EFT clients/partners
As persons with a spiritual foundation, we constantly work on "right relations" and non-violent communication.We don't berate ourselves for not being perfect. We don't try to control or manipulate others. We practice to be conscious of our thoughts, emotions and actions. Kindness and compassion are the keywords. And we know that everyone of us is a work in progress…
2. The wording we use when we do EFT
This is a very personal issue and might vary because of that. It comes up mainly in changing the reframing default phrase "(Even though)…I accept myself" to something more specific. Some of you might use a phrase like: "I am always protected by God". Others prefer: "I trust my spiritual guidance", or "I choose to listen to the wiser part of me". It depends on your own spiritual beliefs, or if you work with a client/partner, on their beliefs. Which brings us to…
3. Respect for your client's/partner's spiritual beliefs
I have worked, for example, with Christian fundamentalists, Mormons, Atheists, Hindus, and far-out New Agers. It never made any difference to me. It's all about finding common ground while respecting the dissimilarities. Sometimes, when I sense that the client is open to it, I offer some of my own beliefs, like pondering the question if we choose our parents before birth, and what spiritual lessons we are given by experiencing a difficult childhood. However, I never try to impose my own beliefs on anybody.
4. Being open for spiritual experiences that happen during a tapping session
Sometimes during a session with yourself or others, there is a sudden, powerful
change of perspective. It feels as if you switched from looking at a situation in a two-dimensional way to a 3D mode and, for the first time, understand what is really going on. There is nothing more rewarding than seeing things from what I call the Soul Perspective.
5. New awareness what "healing" means
EFT is not just a practical "fix it" tool (although it can do that just fine), or a mental self-improvement technique. Ultimately, it is about evolving to a higher level of consciousness. Doing EFT on a regular basis leads to taking responsibility for your own "stuff", means limiting beliefs, painful emotions, and destructive behavioral patterns. It gives us a new framework of looking at problems in a much more conscious, holistic and evolved way. It helps us to become who we are meant to be, no less. As an example, here is a little article about the important difference between
reacting and responding to a challenging situation.
Maybe the next level for EFT is SFT (Spiritual Freedom Techniques).